Creating An Update Customer Contact Information Form

People change their contact information all the time. These regular updates may not seem like a big deal—but they certainly are. With each changed phone number, email, or mailing address, you could potentially lose leads or even current customers!

If you don’t have up-to-date data, you can’t send customers the latest news and updates about your business, which could cost you a significant amount of lost opportunity and revenue over the long run. It’s a simple and business-savvy decision to ask clients for up-to-date details on a regular basis.

Luckily, you can make this request with a simple web form. This form contains empty fields for a user to fill out with their current information. You can then export this information into your database, so that you’re sure you’re sending all your marketing campaigns to the correct addresses.

What Is A Web Form?

A web form, or a Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) form, is a page where visitors input information. The forms are used for many purposes and come in many formats and designs. They are used for registration forms, contact forms and surveys. When the form is submitted, the data goes to a server for processing.

You can design web forms yourself, though doing so from scratch may require some knowledge of web development. That said, with the best online form builder like the one we offer here at, you can make a web form for your specific purpose and preferred look—even if you don’t know how to code. You can even create a web form that emails you to help you keep track of all the information you receive as soon as it's submitted.

Uses Of Web Forms

In addition to being able to design web forms the way you like, you can use them in a variety of ways: to process customer requests, to connect with people from the industry, to collect feedback, and more.

Below are some common uses of web forms.

Customer Service

We usually see web forms, such as contact forms, on a customer service website. But how do contact forms work exactly? Users can enter their contact details and the reason for contacting you. They may need to ask questions, request a refund, or raise concerns about a product or service. These forms typically travel to a customer service team, who respond accordingly.

Lead Generation

You can use web forms to generate leads by asking new visitors to provide their contact details in order to receive discounts, subscriptions or exclusive content. You’ll often see these as pop-ups when you first visit a site.

Customer Retention

You can send web forms to existing customers to keep their information current and reduce churn. Up-to-date customer information allows customers to stay notified of the latest news and content. You can guarantee that your business’s marketing campaigns make their way to actual customers, and are not floating around discontinued addresses and dusty inboxes.

Expand With Networking

You can use web forms to expand your network. Clients, companies and other industry players can use them to connect with you for possible partnerships—or any other reason.

To optimize your workflow, you may also use contact management software that will enable you to update the collected data more efficiently.

Getting Feedback

Web forms are a great way to collect customer feedback and insights. You can keep them on your site if your website visitors want a space to air their concerns or compliments. Or you can send them to existing customers to better understand their thoughts and experiences with your business.

How To Add A Web Form To Your Website

Thanks to form-building software like’s, business owners can easily create, design and add web forms to their websites even without any experience in web development or coding.

Before diving into creating a web form, you must nail down its purpose. Knowing this will help you figure out what information you need to ask for, which will then dictate what fields to include and where to add them on your site. For example, if you’re using the form to ask customers to update their contact information, you’ll have to add fields for their name, phone number, email address, etc.

Next comes the actual design. You’ll want to structure it in a way that makes it easy for your customers to understand and fill in. After all, you don’t want them abandoning it mid-completion. And you’ll also want to design it to match your business image.

Once you figure out all the nitty-gritty, you can embed the form on your website. With, it’s as simple as copying the code and pasting it to your website’s source code—that’s it! After that, all that’s left to do is check to make sure it works properly. Then, you’re good to go!

Final Thoughts

Web forms are an excellent way to build bridges between you and your clients or business partners. Whether for customer service, lead generation, customer retention, or another reason, web forms can be the answer to your technology dilemmas.