Cool Season Planting Guide: Getting Started

Cool Season Planting Guide: Getting Started

Fall is almost here! With only a couple weeks left until the “official start of fall”, you should be planning your fall garden. There are many different types of veggies and flowers that are great for this nice fall weather. Sowing, transplanting, and growing in the fall is different from the spring, and it might be easier. You have fewer pests and weeds, and the soil is still somewhat warm, even though you have a nice, cool breeze.

The warm soil makes it easier for plants to have their roots settled. Shrubs, trees, and flowering perennials are great for fall planting since they can establish their root systems without the stress of having to bloom or fruit in the fall and winter. At this time you can have an extended edible garden right into the winter since cool season veggies are often frost-tolerant. Fall is also perfect to plant fun spring-blooming bulbs. Not to mention the cool weather providing a nice relaxing environment for planting! Our Cool Season planting guide will give you all the information you need to have a successful fall garden this year.

Cool Season Vegetables

Beet, Broccoli, Brussels Sprout, Cabbage, Carrot, Collard, Garlic, Kale, Kohlrabi, Lettuce, Mustard, Onion, Parsnip, Pea, Radish, Spinach, Swiss Chard, Turnip, and Winter Squash.

Cool Season Perennials

(Seeds that need a cold period to flower) Foxglove, Sweet William, Poppy, Delphinium/Larkspur, Hollyhock, Black-eyed Susan, Coneflower, Geranium, Columbine, Hummingbird Mint, Hibiscus, Sedum, Catmint, Phlox, Penstemon, Veronica, Viola, Primrose, and Sweet Pea.

When to Start Growing in Fall


3 months before first scheduled frost:

2 1/2 months before first scheduled frost:

2 months before first scheduled frost:

6 weeks before first scheduled frost


Check the number of days for germination on the seed packet to know when to harvest your seeds. Cool season vegetables are great for canning, freezing, and fall recipes. Share with us your favorite fall garden tips or fall recipes.