Excel Tutorial: How To Convert Pipe Delimited Text File To Excel

A pipe delimited text file is a type of file where the data is separated by the pipe symbol (|) instead of the traditional comma or tab. This format is commonly used for exporting data from databases or other programs. Being able to convert it to Excel format is important as it allows for easier manipulation and analysis of the data, as well as the ability to take advantage of Excel's powerful features for data visualization and reporting.

Key Takeaways

Understanding the pipe delimited text file format

In this tutorial, we will discuss the process of converting a pipe delimited text file to an Excel spreadsheet. Before we get into the conversion process, it's important to understand what a pipe delimited text file is and how it differs from other text file formats.

A. Definition of pipe delimited text file

A pipe delimited text file is a plain text file where each line of the file represents a single record, and the fields within each record are separated by a pipe character (|). This format is commonly used for exporting data from databases and is a popular choice for storing data in a structured and easily readable format.

B. How it differs from other text file formats

Unlike other text file formats such as comma separated values (CSV) or tab delimited files, which use a comma or a tab as the delimiter, a pipe delimited text file uses the pipe character. This makes it easier to work with and parse the data, especially when dealing with complex or nested data structures.

Steps to convert pipe delimited text file to Excel

Converting a pipe delimited text file to Excel can be done with just a few simple steps. Here’s a guide on how to do it: