Queens math major requirements

Here are some resources and facts that may also help answer the question of What Do Mathematicians Do?

Occupational Outlook Handbook: Mathematicians, U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Includes significant points about the nature of the work.

Some of What Mathematicians Do: By Martin H. Krieger, Notices of the AMS, November 2004 (PDF, 65 KB)


Prospective students pursuing a mathematics concentration are admitted into the Faculty of Arts & Science by the Undergraduate Admission Office, in either the Arts or the Sciences. Please contact the Undergraduate Admission office at admission@queensu.ca for further information such as tuition and fees, financial assistance, and student services.

Applying From High School

Admission requirements vary across Canadian, American, and International Schools, with consideration for those who have completed Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) course credits. These are all addressed on the Undergraduate Admission webpage.

If you are a student in Ontario, the following General and Program-specific requirements apply: The Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), and six 4U and M courses. Students in Francophone schools may offer the equivalent of English 4U.

Program Requirements: Arts (application code [QA]): English 4U, plus two additional 4U courses; Science (application code [QS]): English 4U, Advanced Functions 4U, Calculus and Vectors 4U, plus two of Biology 4U, Chemistry 4U or Physics 4U.

Applying From University/College

If you have fewer than 24 units, you are considered a first year applicant. Please contact by the Undergraduate Admission Office. If you are upper-year students, please contact Undergraduate Chair for the possibility of transferring to mathematics degree programs.

Degree Programs

Queen's offers three degrees in Mathematics: the Major (BSCH), the Medial (BAH) and the Minor.

We also offer three specialization programs: BIMA (Biology and Mathematics); COMA (Computing and Mathematics); MAPH (Mathematics and Physics).

Academic Calendar

Peter Taylor
Coordinator of Undergraduate Studies